Author Archives: Sound Room
Wednesday Bible Study Questions on Acts 21
- Paul in his journey to Jerusalem stays in Tyre (vs. 3), Ptolemais (vs. 7) and Caesarea (vs. 8). What did he do in these places and what can we learn from his example when we are traveling?
- Verse 8. What does the Bible say about Philip?
- Verse 9. What does it mean that Philip’s four daughters prophesied? Compare with Deborah in Judges 4:4-5. What can a Christian woman learn from these examples?
- Looking at verses 4 & 10-14, should Paul have gone to Jerusalem or not? Compare also chapter 19:21; 20:22-24; 23:11.
- How does the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives relate to our decision-making process and the advice of other Christians? Is it always a matter of good versus wrong choices?
- Verse 17-26. What was the spiritual status of the people who had misunderstandings about what Paul was teaching the Jews who were among the Gentiles (vs. 21)?
- Why did Paul agree to go along with what James and the elders asked of him in verse 22-24? What was the purpose?
- Verse 27-40. What attitude did Paul display when confronted with the rage of the Jewish crowd against him?
- What do you think was Paul’s main reason for going to Jerusalem?